L'importanza delle fibre naturali e dell'ecosostenibilità

The Importance of Natural Fibers and Eco-sustainability

In a world that sees in eco-sustainability the possibility of creating a virtuous union between man and the environment, the use of natural fibers represents the right way in this direction.
Working natural fabrics, and doing it by hand, allows eco-friendly companies to make a twofold contribution, respecting the natural cycles of the Earth but at the same time providing products of great quality and design.

Malini has always pursued this mission that fits perfectly into its brand, and in this guide we want to show you how, even in the world of fashion, you can take part in the real revolution: eco-sustainability.

The importance of natural fabrics: research at the service of the environment

There is a common thread that binds and has linked men to the Earth over the millennia: respect for nature.

This is why using natural fabrics is important in order not to impact on the environment and at the same time to be able to create fashionable and trendy garments. Of course, because using vegetable fibers does not mean having something less in clothes, 

on the contrary

It means being able to enrich a simple dress with the power and vibrations of nature. In this, research is fundamental, to find and treat fibers in the best way, and to make people understand how much synthetic is really no longer compatible with a lifestyle that rediscovers all the energy of Mother Earth.

Malini has made this lens one of his strengths, because too often he pretends to be organic or green something that is only 'trend'. Making fashion in an eco-sustainable way means finding natural fibers, working them in the right way, and commissioning the products to expert craftsmen who use only green supply chains and logistics, without impacting the environment, without polluting and in full respect of natural cycles.

Natural fibers: do you know exactly what it is?

If we asked you what natural fibers are and what are their advantages, could you answer exactly?

Perhaps it would come naturally to you to say that cotton and linen are natural fibers and that the advantage of these fabrics is that they are not synthetic, but let us explain in detail the whole world that lies behind this choice of life.

Of course, what has been said is true, but did you know that cotton is particularly resistant and therefore allows you to have garments that last longer with economic savings? Or again, did you know that wool has thermal properties that make it superior to any synthetic textile fiber in terms of heating?

Choosing natural textile fibers can be a kind of adventure in a new world of respect for nature, and discovering how a natural fiber becomes a fashionable garment is exciting and compelling.

So, back to the original question, what are natural fibers?

These are fibers that come from both the animal and vegetable world. If you think that ecological fibers are a trend invention of recent years, know instead that it is one of the oldest artifacts in the world, precisely because human beings have had to dress and warm themselves since ancient times.

So let's go into detail and find out what these fibers are.

Natural fibers: from hemp to linen, how are they classified?

When it comes to natural fibers, you must always pay attention to the subtle differences in classification, or rather in definition.

Claiming that a fabric is natural or ecological does not mean being sure that it is environmentally friendly. In fact, if, for example, to create a fabric starting from natural fibers, chemicals or production processes with a high environmental impact were used, the 'naturalness' of the product would be lacking.

The fibers are therefore classified into three categories, and in order to be also defined ecological, they must meet some important requirements:

  • natural: these fibers can be called ecological if each step (from extraction to weaving) does not impact or pollute, and does not require the use of chemical additives. And if these fibers also come from crops or farms without pesticides or drugs, then they can also boast the 'organic' label;
  • artificial
  • synthetic

Regarding the last two classifications, you may automatically think that artificial and synthetic fibers cannot in any case be considered ecological. In fact, you would be surprised to know which criteria are also applicable in this case.

There are many certifications that attest to the eco-friendliness of a fiber, first of all the one defined as 'GOTS' (acronym for the words Global Organic Textile Standard), and the one defined as 'OCS' (in turn an acronym for the words Organic Content Standard).

However, each certification comes from a principle, namely that a fabric that is made up of at least 95% organic fibers can itself be defined as organic.

The fibers and natural that meet this requirement are:

  • Hemp: used for millennia, it has a minimal environmental impact and represents a truly eco-sustainable choice
  • Cotton: what about cotton if not that it is universal? However, this must be 'organic', that is, it must be certified that its entire production has a low environmental impact
  • Wool: this fabric is ecological only if it has the 'bio' certification, which means that it derives from eco-compatible farms
  • Linen: ecological fabric par excellence, derives from the plant bearing the same name. Very fresh clothes are made with linen
  • Jute: this fabric is obtained from many plants, and is used for fashion accessories
  • Ramia: this fabric derives from the fibers of nettles, and it is true that in nature nothing is thrown away. It is used to make clothes
  • Cork: shoes and bags are made from this material donated by trees;
  • Tirolwool: this fabric is derived from Tyrolean wool, and is mainly used to make
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