Poliestere il cancro della moda

Polyester the cancer of fashion

This article is essential to understand why we created the Malini brand.
We wish to inform our readers and customers of the serious risks and destruction that synthetic fabrics such as polyester, nylon, acrylic and polyamide pose for humanity and for the entire ecosystem.
We usually prefer to deal with more cheerful and optimistic themes, but we are determined to expose the wickedness of synthetic fabrics!
We have already expressed our reverence for natural fibers, authentic craftsmanship, natural dyes and the benefits of fair labor practices, but in this blog post we have to introduce you to the DARK SIDE

How did we discover EVIL in fashion?

When we started our journey in the fashion industry, we made many serious mistakes, one of which was using synthetic fabrics. Everyone makes mistakes, and it is through these mistakes that we can learn to find solutions and not to repeat the same mistakes.
Our most significant misstep was made out of lack of awareness, out of ignorance, we just didn't know the negative effects of using synthetic fabrics.

About 6 years ago, we started creating a line of try-on clothing.
A part was made with synthetic materials and a part with natural materials such as cotton, linen and silk.
It was an experiment to let us get to know each other, to see if it was possible to create a brand.
We attended several events, and after a while, we realized that the polyester garments hadn't been sold at all, they had been a complete failure, zero.
It was fun to see people's reaction when we tried to give synthetics as gifts – no one even wanted them as a gift!
The cuts, colors and prints were identical to those made with natural materials, yet, the latter created with cotton, linen, silk were enormously successful and quickly sold out.
We found it amusing that polyester garments, despite being similar to those made from natural fibers, were not accepted even when offered as gifts.
But above all, it was a clear sign that polyester was NOT for us .
Eventually, we realized that cotton and natural fiber products were what people were really looking for.
This awareness was one of the most important moments for our business.
It was like a spiritual revelation, a divine sign, a miracle - and from that moment we understood that artificial fibers should be avoided.
It happened quite naturally and obviously. When customers arrived, they tried cotton, they immediately fell in love with it , they didn't even consider synthetic fabrics (even if the cost was significantly lower).
We have been inundated with accolades and compliments, as if we had discovered a new material.

All this because we used and still use 100% cotton or 100% natural fabrics.
People had an incredible appetite for these natural fibers.
Our competitors were selling synthetic products at a much lower price, but the quality, design, craftsmanship and most importantly, eco-sustainability were seriously lacking.

The way of eco-sustainability

From that first misstep we set off on an extraordinary journey!
If we think back to the experiences, researches, discoveries and maturation steps we have taken, it is like watching an Indiana Jones film. We have learned to appreciate the wonder of natural fibers, the grandeur of craftsmanship, the meaning and benefits of fair trade.
But above all we have discovered that synthetic fibers are an evil force! Yes, polyester and all its derivatives are harmful to humans, the environment and are the evil of fashion.
It is a pitfall that really leads to cancer and kills little by little without stopping. But evil can be defeated! and to defeat evil you must know it!

What is polyester and what are synthetic fabrics?

Polyester and other synthetic fabrics such as nylon, acrylic and polyamide are common in the textile industry.
Many luxury fashion houses use these fabrics not because they are aesthetically pleasing, but because they are cost effective. To identify these fabrics, just look at the composition label on the product or packaging box.
By doing so, we can all work together to not only protect ourselves, but also to ensure the well-being of our planet and avoid the potential harms of synthetic fabrics!
Thanks to reading the composition label, we can avoid poisoning ourselves, the planet and avoid the evil that is killing us!

How are polyester and synthetic fabrics produced?

Synthetic materials, simply put, are nothing more than plastics , they are a by-product of petroleum processing.
Simply put, you are coating your body with something that can be lethal, the same petroleum that is refined to make plastic.
It's like putting a nice drizzle of oil on your skin.

Negative effects of polyester and synthetic fabrics

Polyester and other synthetic fabrics have some distinctive characteristics: high strength - some are even considered indestructible and unfortunately it has a negative influence on the environment, as these materials do not decompose.
cheap - the production of polyester has caused British, New Zealand and Australian wool producers serious economic damage, as synthetic fibers cost nearly a third of wool.
dangerous synthetic materials are lethal to both humans and the environment, are highly combustible and generate micro/nano plastics that are causing a huge environmental and health crisis.
We don't make these claims to scare you, but it's the truth: try lighting a match next to a 100% polyester fleece sweater and it will be like lighting a match next to a petrol can.
and we all know what happens when you set fire to gasoline....BOOM

What damage do polyester and synthetic fabrics cause to the environment?

Polyester and synthetic fibers may seem harmless, but their ecological footprint is alarming.
These fabrics are produced with non-renewable resources, such as petroleum, and the entire process of production, use and washing releases pollutants into the atmosphere, water and earth.
But the worst thing is when synthetic fabrics are washed! They release tiny plastic fragments, known as microplastics and nanoplastics, into the water.
Nanoplastics are so tiny that water treatment plants are unable to filter them, and so they end up in rivers, lakes and even the ocean.
Furthermore, once ingested by marine fauna, these nanoplastics enter the food chain!
On top of that, synthetic fabrics are also loaded with dangerous chemicals like formaldehyde and highly dangerous carcinogens.
Unfortunately, if we analyze fish and humans today, we could already find traces of nanoplastics.

What are the health risks that polyester and synthetic fabrics pose to the ecosystem?

We did an online search and found an educational video from the University of Catania which explains, from a scientific point of view , what is happening to our planet.
The video is in Italian, but English-speaking viewers can easily activate subtitles on YouTube.
We invite you to invest 8 minutes of your time to watch this video and inform yourself on the current state of affairs - just click on the title below:
Microplastics: the threat of synthetic particles

What are the benefits of using natural materials and how can companies be environmentally sustainable and competitive at the same time?

As we have already mentioned on our blog, one of our goals, as a fashion company, is to demonstrate that sustainability is achievable and can lead to higher profits and better prospects for people and the planet.
In the end, what are big companies trying to do?
They just want to expand, keep growing and get people to buy more and more.
Why don't we instead try to make sustainability a scalable program that allows us to live in an eco-sustainable way, reducing consumption and trying to change our entrepreneurial culture .
How can we implement this? simply by transforming marketing.
If you look, all marketing agencies try to stimulate consumption, to make you buy things you don't need.
If you go to Google and search for digital marketing, there are thousands of courses from people who keep showing you how to scale, consume, profit and make money, money, money.
Don't follow them use your head!! make eco-sustainability climb and lower your consumption!

Solutions and actions to stem or even solve the problem

Rule n.1 : carefully check the labels on clothing and absolutely avoid anything containing polyester , nylon, acrylic, polyamide and other synthetic or chemical materials, even in minimal quantities.
Rule no. Tip #2 : If necessary, buy only cotton , linen, wool, hemp, silk, wool or a combination of natural elements and stay away from synthetic blends.
If the blend is not specified, it is likely to include synthetic fabrics: for example, "cotton-blend garment" implies some amount of polyester. Rule no. 3 : buy vintage and buy less .
Make sure you keep your clothes in top condition so you can put them back on the market and resell them.
The vintage market is worth billions of euros and garments that are treated correctly can maintain their value and even become a source of income.
We tried to do it ourselves and made a good profit selling vintage clothes.


The truth can be daunting, especially when it comes to microplastics found in polyester fabrics and in our bodies.
We believe, however, that with the advancement of science and our ability to solve problems creatively, we can strive to improve.
Our work may be only a small part of the big picture, but many drops make a sea and we are optimistic that, now that we are aware of the problem, we can take collective action to find a practical and environmentally friendly way to dispose of polyester and prohibit its continued production.

If on the one hand plastic, if used correctly , can contribute to fuel savings thanks to the lower weight of vehicles and goods, on the other hand, if used for clothing and disposable items, it and its derivatives become incredibly dangerous for people.
Ultimately, the real problem is the improper use of plastic.

Do you have any idea how to get rid of the polyester?
Or maybe you have a solution to the problem?
Let us know your opinion too!
Share your idea with us on Instagram, Facebook or any other tool, the important thing is that we arrive at a solution and that it is disclosed!

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Buongiorno, vorrei sapere se il pfas è contenuto solo nei tessuti impermeabili? Come si fa a sapere se un tessuto è stato trattato da questa sostanza?grazie.

Maria Gabriella

tutti i reggiseni e costumi ,contengono poliestere, nylon, acrilico, poliammide e altri materiali sintetici o chimici. Leggervi mi ha messa in crisi…Come fare? Finchè non vengono banditi e le aziende non producono con altro materiale naturale e, lavorare, reggiseni che sostengono come la poliammide..Noi siamo costretti ad indossarli!! Cosa vado incontro? tutti i mie reggiseni lo contengono.



Anna Maria Rossi

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