Come Trasformare la Tua Casa in un'Oasi di Comfort ed Eleganza.

How to Transform Your Home into an Oasis of Comfort and Elegance.

Welcome to our adventure in the universe of furniture, where every fabric, color and detail counts.

A few years ago we began to introduce the home collection, making an effort to always find artisanal techniques suitable for creating something unique and with the perfect Malini style.

handmade cushion cover india cushion cover handmade

With this article we will reveal the magical power of cushion covers and how our exceptional collection can transform your home into a place of unparalleled comfort and style.

In the busyness of modern life, we all long for a haven of peace and serenity to call home.
That's where pillow covers come in.
These small textile masterpieces can make the difference between an ordinary sofa and an extraordinary one, between a simple bed and an oasis of relaxation.
But let's go beyond appearances and discover the fundamental role of cushion covers in the furnishing of your home.

Comfort Embraced by Beauty

cushion cover pillowcases

Pillows aren't just soft objects to rest your head on. They are the hidden works of art that can transform any space. Our cushion collection takes inspiration from two fascinating cultures, Italian and Indian, bringing a touch of timeless elegance into your home.
At the same time we always try to create contrasts in both color and style, but always with a single objective, to give you maximum comfort for your mind and your eyes.

The Magic of Details

As artisans passionate about textile art, we believe in details.

cushion cover details details cushion cover

Our cushions are made with care and attention to materials and details, following ancient artisan techniques from India.
Each cushion is a style statement and a tribute to traditional craftsmanship.
With our artisans we have managed to merge the minimal style with the liveliest Indian style.
Thanks always to our artisans and their art we always manage to add those details that often seem imperceptible but which in their sum create a harmonious sense.

Eco-sustainability in the Heart

cotton cushion cushions

Our dedication to eco-sustainability is reflected in the choice of materials and workmanship.
We only use natural materials, friendly to the environment and your well-being.
For our cushion collection we have made 2 categories: cotton cushions and wool cushions .
Each cushion cover is a testament to our mission to create beauty without compromising nature.
We always remind you that as they are artisanal and non-industrial products, quantities will always be limited, so don't underestimate the uniqueness that we can give to your home furnishings!
You can have a living room with a unique and truly inimitable look

The Art of Embracing History

Our cushions are not just objects, but bearers of stories.

cotton cushion covers made in Amano cushion cover handmade
Every fabric, every colour, every texture tells a part of our story, which is also the story of the artisans in India.
When you bring a Malini pillow into your home, you are honoring tradition and culture.
You are taking an object that has a soul, do not take this aspect for granted, fast fashion has now invaded many aspects of our lives, but these cushions are unique, the value they have is not given only by their composition and their workmanship but it is given by the craftsman who created it with his passion and this is a rare factor of inestimable value.

Discover the Malini Collection

Now that you understand the power of pillows in home decor, we invite you to explore our unique collection of:
cotton pillows
wool cushions
We created an independent section of pillow covers because we decided that it will be something we will continue to do together with fashion.
From rich fabrics to unique patterns, you'll find cushions that fit your style and your home perfectly.
Each pillow is a statement of beauty and commitment to a better world.
Start your adventure in the art of furnishing with Malini cushions.
We make your home a place of comfort, style and sustainability.

And know that we won't limit ourselves only to cushions, we also have in mind to contaminate other home accessories with the spirit of Malini!

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